Welcome to the Conjure shack!

Welcome my sisters and brothers!
Yes Ive come along way and you have come along way with me!
if your here its because you suport my vision!
the vision to help others not go through what I went through last year!
You can say no to pagan bullying! you can say no to bullying full stop!
regardless of your chosen path you chose it because thats what you believed no one else what "you" believe...
let no man or woman ever take that from you!
here I aim to help those that stumble, help those that are persaercuted and help BRING THOSE to JUSTICE the old way the Haitian Hoodoo/voudoo way!
If you have a need feel free to drop me a message and I will endevour to help you the best way I can..
I am the real deal and I do it for free! excpet for when you want a product and unfortunately I cant do them for free but your conjure your exorcism whatever rememdy you need for whatever problem I will give that to you... if only will i charge for product if you cant get it yourself and I must get it for you.
Im here to help so if you need me im just a blog email away....

my favourite hoodoo mama's music lil johnson!

Create a playlist at MixPod.com

Leave your conjure requests here

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A bit about my path my walk and how I got to where I am today!

Well welcome first to my page my side of the story!
please sit back and draw yourself a long glass of iced tea as I begin to tell you where I begun where i journeyed to where I learnt my lessons and where I ended up! Finally home where I should be!

I grew up gypsy hoodoo( main religious line was that of the haitian ways
so spirit possession, cardonamacy, chicken bone reads, divinations, con jures and hebal rememdies were the norm in my family!
we stood out we dressed like gypsys we acted like gypsys we were labelled gypsy!

My mother didnt seem to mind and neither did we, sshe spent her days sowing our multi coloured frocks ( im sure to make us stand out when we wore them)
she even made curtains for the "shagon wagon" as we called it
We were pleased we could hide behind them when we went out in public so all was well

We were labeled strange chrsitian demon hunters growing up and there was never short supply of clientel wanting my mama do rid them of their demons!
we speed ahead to when I was 11 my mama had a bad altercation with a spirit one night leaving her covered from head to toe in bruises ( law enforcements thought my dad did it) but we all knew different!
just a conjure gone drasticly wrong a exorcism that didnt quiet take and one very peeved spirit that took no mercy on showing my mama his distate for being exorcist!

after that she turned us to orthodox jewish religion in where spirit were deamed of the devil and we were no longer permitted to practice as the way we were accustomed too.

when I was 23 i escaped the cult my parent had dragged me up in got my first tatoos cut my hair and joined the wiccan revolution of love and light!
tis worked for awhile I practiced in secrecy for like 14 years then I decided to be brave come out start writing for a well known witchcraft magazine and started my own open circle
at first it was love and light then I sat back and watched the member bicker amonst each other all fighting for high raki little did I know they were fighting for my position and didnt care if they shat on me to get it!
for months I tolerated them witches bitching behind my back! I could be a real cow here and name all of the local bundaberg witches that did this but I wont
I am bigger than that now but these women wernt satisfied till they stripped me of my credentials, my life, my job and even tried to take my very own children from me with their lies.
They just proved to me how they wernt real witches at all real witches conjure and work behind the scenes to bring 3 fold upon their enemies not ring their places of work, go and see my husband at work and threten them with bikie gang bash ups nor contact the very magazine I write for with their lies!
unbelievably they did just that they trashed my name on face book and several other websites and the sad thing is people believed them! only for a short while though until they woke up and smelt something was very off and it wasnt me!
kudos to them Justice will prevail and justice will get em!

So I walked away from that "wiccan" path and did alot of soul searching to return myself to the roots I was raised on HOODOO VOODOO!
I was so glad I walked away from that FAKE lifestyle not wicca dont get me wrong wicca is beautiful Im talking bout the backstabbing wanna be's calling them selves wiccan! when they dont even know what they are!

then you gets the camilians you know the ones that wanna be what you are and it doesnt matter what you do they gots to do it better yeah you know the kind! the competitive Kind yep met a few of them in my time too but ya see im not competitive at all I just walk away and they are left competing against themselves and making a very ugly job at doing it! yeah you know they lie and spirit knows it! jokes on them because their lies will come undone! Everyone but themselves can see what they are doing .. Spirit will show them for what they truely are fakes all I can says to ya now is be who ya are dont worries bout the wanna be trying to steal your thunder take your place coz they cant they are deluding only themselves if they think they can! everyone else will see the truth! you can be sure of that!

last year was darkness for me and alot of sadness too true friends I thought were true were only there to step on me to get ahead to gratify themselves! pity them sad sad empty shells that can only be something by destroying the very thing that showed them the way in the first place!

their way of paying me back was to stomp on me and make me look like crap in order to make themselves look good and from where I sit that is a very very pathetic excuse for a human!
low self esteme, and think they can get what you have worked hard for by shortcutting once again like a pateeen add it will happen they will come undone and it wont happen over night but it will happen!
for me now I am a proud Catholic! Im baptized and confirmed and I practice Hatian Hoodoo!
I dont practice it because I woke up and went I feel like doing this path
I am because its in my blood its my god given right! and Ill be dammed if I let any wanna be try and take my true heritage from me!

So I stepped into the fire and the water and was reborn!
I no longer feel hate for any of the women that tried to destroy all of my life that called them selves witches in love and light when all they are are empty and full of spite! aand they did not suceed! and NEVER WILL!
I pray for them daily that they repent and see the light before their fake tower falls and they are left with nothing! !
I have true Friends that sorround me now and not fakes
My life is real and so are my hoodoo practices!
I am a stronger woman for what I have gone through and I am much truer to myself and my path! I am no longer living in a fairy tale world like they are I live and breathe every day who I am ! I now live life to serve and help others and help them escape the hatred I had to suffer :)
I feel that doesnt just apply to them but to everyone who has be wrongly persecuted for believing in what they truely believe to be!
Peace out add me hit me up and keep watching this blog Im on fire now Baby being published in 3 mags and more to come!
the phoneix has risen and it shall not be burnt to ash again!
I dont really give a damm if these women who tried to take me down ARE reading this they simply no longer exist to me... and thats all that matters...
in your life if you are pushed down in the gutter you have 2 choices
you can lie there and be walked upon or you can get up and say stuff you!
keep walking keep moving foward and hunt down the bugger that pushed you... lol

Now I practice what I preach I help other escape hexes, curses tricks laid down upon them by their enemies, I do clensings and healings I make conjure bags and mojo kits and ever if you need me to help you im only a blog comment away!
if you need help in your life I will help you I know how it feels to be bullied and Im here to help STAMP the bullies out!
I will understand you pain I will understand your need and I will help you for free!

message me here, drop a need on the board and I will do my best to ensure the suffering I endured you will not go through!
peace out :)
Mamma Justify( Mystic Mambo)

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